Monday 12 March 2012

Street signs

Some Indian street signs that have caught my eye.

No other property advertisement can compete with that oxymoron. But property is big business in Pune, one of the fastest growing cities in India. The population is currently around 4 million and is projected to rise to a London-esque 7 million by 2030. 

(so it's not just London where people move home to get places at good schools)

(Certainly a dream for the family living underneath)

Once you've found a home befitting your status you can enlist help to move:

And if you've still got a bit of cash to spare:

Ambition starts young in India:

And in no particular order, starting with Ms Winslet's new parlour:

You can't argue with this claim:

I'm going to try to commit point 5 to memory:

(In that order?)

What a joy to be in a land where the meat eater is a second class citizen requiring dedicated outlets:

The army recruitment posters hit hard:

I'll stick with my favourite mantra:

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